Result Driven Therapeutic Massage in Scottsdale, AZ
Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic massage is a hands-on treatment intended to address specific chronic and acute issues within the body, and can use a variety of pressures and techniques to achieve relief.
Massage doesn’t have to be painful to be therapeutic, so be sure to tell your therapist the type of pressure you prefer (light, firm, hard), with the understanding that it may not be what your body needs. Lighter pressure may be more relaxing and the body more willing to receive treatment.
Techniques and modalities in addition to general massage can include:
Myofascial release
Manual stretching
Trigger-point therapy
Sports massage
Silicone cupping
Massage Therapy FAQ
After your arrive for your treatment, your massage therapist will come out to greet you and take you back to the treatment room.
In the privacy of the treatment room, you and your massage therapist will go over your forms and reasons for seeking massage therapy. Your massage therapist will ask you questions to customize your session to meet your specific needs and preferences. You will have the opportunity to discuss any concerns or to ask any questions you may have about massage therapy. Your massage therapist will then briefly go over a plan for your massage therapy session. If you have any questions, feel free to speak up.Every massage therapist has a unique style and approach to giving a massage. Most massage therapists begin with some postural analysis and perhaps some gentle rocking and compressions through the sheets to help you settle in and relax. Relaxing massage techniques may be used at first, and as you become more relaxed more specific areas of tension may be worked with deeper pressure. Your therapist will periodically ask for feedback on pressure or techniques, and may gently move your limbs or make requests through out the session.
You should expect to be comfortable and relaxed during your massage. If you experience any pain or discomfort at any time, let your massage therapist know right away. Speak up if the pressure needs adjusting, if you need an extra blanket, or if there is anything your massage therapist can do to help you relax.
Good communication is key to achieving the best results during your massage appointment. This is your massage. Be sure to give feedback to help your therapist meet your specific needs. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is for us to do our job! If there is anything your massage therapist can do to make you more comfortable, let them know.
Definitely communicate with your therapist if you feel any pain or discomfort, or if you have any concerns during your massage. Some types of massage that work on deep layers of muscle and tissue, such as deep tissue or sports massage, will require more feedback to ensure that the pressure is not uncomfortable.When your massage is complete, your therapist will then exit the treatment room. Slowly and carefully get off the massage table when you are ready.
We ask that you come to your appointments clean and free of fragranced personal care products.
This depends on your comfort level and the type of massage you are going to receive.
For Sports Massage & Stretching, and Light Touch Massage you may be asked to leave on all or some of your clothing.
For Swedish Massage or Deep Tissue Massage many people prefer to be completely nude when they receive a massage, while others prefer to keep their undergarments on. It's completely up to you, and you are encouraged to undress to your level of comfort.
Tight-fitting or bulky undergarments can sometimes get in the way of the massage, especially if your problem areas are the low-back, buttocks, or hips. Women usually remove their bras so no straps are in the way of back and shoulder massage.
Licensed massage therapists must ensure that clients are always properly covered by a sheet or towel, genitals will never be exposed, and only the specific areas being massaged will be uncovered. -
You are encouraged to openly communicate with the massage therapist about your preferences and comfort. If anything needs to be adjusted, or if we are almost (but not quite) getting the right spot, just speak up and let your therapist know right away!
However, it is a myth that massage therapy needs to hurt in order to be effective. Some of the most effective techniques involve very light, gentle touch. Often, too much pressure can cause muscles to tighten further, and detract from the effectiveness of your treatment. -
You will experience the greatest benefits from your session if you just allow yourself to become quiet and relaxed...which helps your massage therapist focus on providing a great massage!
Definitely communicate with your therapist if you feel any pain or discomfort, if you have any concerns during your massage, or if there is anything your massage therapist can do to make you more comfortable. Some types of massage that work on deep layers of muscle and tissue, such as deep tissue or sports massage, will require more feedback to ensure that the pressure is not uncomfortable. -
It's a great idea to give yourself some additional time after your massage to continue relaxing and to allow your body to fully absorb the benefits of massage. We leave plenty of time in between appointments so that you never feel hurried and can take your time before you head out the door.
Yes, it's ok to exercise after a massage, but most people prefer to stay relaxed.
If you are feeling sick, a massage will likely make you feel worse. Please reschedule your appointment if you are feeling unwell.
Not all types of massage are appropriate for all conditions. Many health conditions may require gentler forms of massage therapy, or more specialized techniques and treatment plans. In many cases, your massage therapist can come up with a treatment plan that will work for you and your health situation.
Even some prescribed or over-the-counter medications can contraindicate receiving certain types of massage therapy. Be sure to list any medications you are taking, and inform your therapist of any changes since your last visit.
In some situations, your massage therapist may request your physician's consent and recommendations before performing massage.It is important for you to fully complete your Health History form and keep your massage therapist up to date on your condition.
Be sure to let your massage therapist know if you have:Any acute injury from a recent accident such as whiplash, sprains, or other soft tissue damage.
Swelling or edema.
Acute conditions such as flared-up psoriasis, eczema, or rheumatoid arthritis.
Uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes, prominent varicose veins, osteoporosis, or any other serious medical conditions.
“Anna is an awesome massage therapist. She very carefully moves from area to area. It was deep tissue, but never felt rushed or rough. I have had massage by a lot of people, but was really impressed with her style and carefulness.”
— B.B., Client